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Replacing for loop by matrix multiplication

S= zeros(Sim,n+1);
for i=1:round(n)
     S(:,i+1) = S(:,i) .* cte_exp .* exp(sigma.*sqrt(dt).*normrnd(0,1,Sim,1));

I'm trying to rewrite this for loop with matrix operations but the problem is that for every column you need the previous column. Has anyone an idea how to solve this?


  • Because each column is the element-wise multiplication of the previous column and some new data, you can fill a matrix with the new data only, then use cumprod to apply the multiplication of each column with the previous.

    S = [ S_0 , cte_exp .* exp(sigma.*sqrt(dt).*normrnd(0,1,Sim,round(n))) ];
    S = cumprod(S,2);