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Importing document to app's Document Browser using DocumentBrowserViewController

I've declared a custom export UTI type in a simple Document Based iOS app. I'm now trying to provide the capability to import files of the same type from Mail to the app.

When long-pressing the document icon in the message, I'm given the option to "copy to MyApp" which then calls the method in AppDelegate.m:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)inputURL options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey, id> *)options {

DocumentBrowserViewController *documentBrowserViewController = (DocumentBrowserViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;
[documentBrowserViewController revealDocumentAtURL:inputURL importIfNeeded:YES completion:^(NSURL * _Nullable revealedDocumentURL, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Failed to reveal the document at URL %@ with error: '%@'", inputURL, error);
    NSLog(@"Imported document to %@",[revealedDocumentURL absoluteString]);
    [documentBrowserViewController presentDocumentAtURL:revealedDocumentURL];
return YES;

However the document is presented, but not imported (the revealedDocumentURL is the same as inputURL, and the delegate method importDocumentAtURL is not called). Maybe I shouldn't be using the revealDocumentAtURL method? I cannot use the importDocumentAtURL: nextToDocumentAtURL: mode: completionHandler: method since I can't specify a document for the nextToDocumentAtURL parameter. Is there a way to import a document to a specific directory? Maybe I'm missing something quite obvious? Also, here's my info.plist file in case it proves helpful.

            <string>MyApp File</string>
            <string>MyApp File</string>


  • It appears that this was an issue in iOS 11.2. Upgrading iOS to 11.3 and Xcode to 9.3 fixed the problems.