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Libreoffice Writer Macro Change Font Size

This question was posted to help solve this Ask Ubuntu 350 point bounty that ends today. I would rather someone in Stack Overflow post an answer and get the bounty than see it go unrewarded and the OP not getting a working solution.

I have this macro pieced together from three sources (sorry kind of ugly at this stage). The total project is to change everything not 18 pt to 12 pt. Then change 18 pt to 22 pt. Then set Heading 1 to 28 pt. I've spent hours trying to get this simple thing done by recording macros which just leaves one dissappointed.

Here is the recorded macro so far:

to change 10 point to 12 point. It runs without error but doesn't change a thing:

Sub AllFonts
rem - change all font names to Ubuntu.
rem - If heading 1 set font size to 28
rem - else if font size is 18 set to 22
rem - else set font size to 12

rem The macro will save document and exit Libreoffice Writer.

Dim CharHeight As Long, oSel as Object, oTC as Object
Dim CharStyleName As String
Dim oParEnum as Object, oPar as Object, oSecEnum as Object, oSec as Object
Dim oVC as Object, oText As Object
Dim oParSection        'Current Section

oText = ThisComponent.Text
oSel = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getByIndex(0) 'get the current selection
oTC = oText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel)           ' and span it with a cursor

rem Scan the cursor range for chunks of given text size.
rem (Doesn't work - affects the whole document)

oParEnum = oTC.Text.createEnumeration()
Do While oParEnum.hasMoreElements()
  oPar = oParEnum.nextElement()
  If oPar.supportsService("") Then
    oSecEnum = oPar.createEnumeration()
    oParSection = oSecEnum.nextElement()
    Do While oSecEnum.hasMoreElements()
      oSec = oSecEnum.nextElement()
      If oSec.TextPortionType = "Text" Then
        CharStyleName = oParSection.CharStyleName
        CharHeight = oSec.CharHeight
        if CharStyleName = "Heading 1" Then
            oSec.CharHeight = 28
        elseif CharHeight = 18 Then
            oSec.CharHeight = 22
            oSec.CharHeight = 12
        End If
      End If
  End If



End Sub

Sub UbuntuFontName
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")

rem ----------- Select all text ------------------------------------------
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:SelectAll", "", 0, Array())

rem ----------- Change all fonts to Ubuntu -------------------------------
dim args5(4) as new
args5(0).Name = "CharFontName.StyleName"
args5(0).Value = ""
args5(1).Name = "CharFontName.Pitch"
args5(1).Value = 2
args5(2).Name = "CharFontName.CharSet"
args5(2).Value = -1
args5(3).Name = "CharFontName.Family"
args5(3).Value = 0
args5(4).Name = "CharFontName.FamilyName"
args5(4).Value = "Ubuntu"

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:CharFontName", "", 0, args5())

end sub

sub FileSave
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Save", "", 0, Array())

end sub

It crashes at end with this message:

LO error


  • Here is the corrected code. However, the details about Heading 1 are not clear. The code below assumes that the headings have been used properly, with the paragraph style applied to text with no direct formatting.

    Sub ChangeAllFonts
        rem - Change all font names to Ubuntu.
        rem - If heading 1 set font size to 28
        rem - else if font size is 18 set to 22
        rem - else set font size to 12
        rem - The macro will save document and exit LibreOffice Writer.
        Dim oDoc As Object
        Dim oParEnum As Object, oPar As Object, oSecEnum As Object, oSec As Object
        Dim oFamilies As Object, oParaStyles As Object, oStyle As Object
        oDoc = ThisComponent
        oParEnum = oDoc.Text.createEnumeration()
        Do While oParEnum.hasMoreElements()
          oPar = oParEnum.nextElement()
          If oPar.supportsService("") Then
            oSecEnum = oPar.createEnumeration()
            Do While oSecEnum.hasMoreElements()
              oSec = oSecEnum.nextElement()
              If oSec.TextPortionType = "Text" Then
                If oSec.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1" Then
                    rem ignore for now
                ElseIf oSec.CharHeight = 18 Then
                    oSec.CharHeight = 22.0
                    oSec.CharHeight = 12.0
                End If
              End If
          End If
        oFamilies = oDoc.getStyleFamilies()
        oParaStyles = oFamilies.getByName("ParagraphStyles")
        oStyle = oParaStyles.getByName("Heading 1")
        oStyle.setPropertyValue("CharHeight", 28.0)
    End Sub

    Exiting LibreOffice from a macro without a crash is notoriously tricky. For batch processing, it's better to close the document and leave the LO application open. Then when it's all finished, one approach is to force kill the process from a shell script.

    There is plenty of information online about other ways to exit LO gracefully.