I do have this insert statement over a SQL Anywhere database, for the insert I use ODBC and this is a little snippet of the sentence(just an example)
cmd_ex.CommandText = @" insert into tabla
(numero1, numero2, numero3, numero4...numeroN)
and works just fine, the only problem is that the PK is autoincrement and I need to recover that value if it possible in the same statement, could you help me?
base upon for the suggestions I tried this
cmd_.CommandText = @" insert into table(...)
Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(cmd_.ExecuteScalar());
MessageBox.Show("valor del nuevo registro "+id);
but got the error ERROR [HY000] [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Host variables may not be used within a batch
You can't execute 2 sentences at the same time and get the value of second statement into a variable.
You need to execute them one by one. I am not sure which language are you using, but something like the following should work.
cmd_.CommandText = @" insert into table(...)
cmd_.CommandText = @"select @@Identity";
Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(cmd_.ExecuteScalar());
MessageBox.Show("valor del nuevo registro "+id);