I have an Express middleware project written in TypeScript. I'd like to consume it in both JS & TS based Node projects.
I'm having trouble configuring my projects to ensure that
myGreatFunction = require('myGreatFunction') // typeof = function
import myGreatFunction from 'myGreatFunction' // typeof = function
It feels as though I can only achieve some of these aims but not others.
What is the correct incantation of TSConfig properties (upstream & downstream) to ensure this is so?
In the end I settled on a compromise - see below.
In the end I settled on a compromise:
Library TSConfig:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es6",
"module": "commonjs",
"declaration": true
export = function myGroovyFunction() {...}
Downstream project, TypeScript
import * as myGroovyFunction from 'mygroovyfunction';
Downstream project, JavaScript
const myGroovyFunction = require('mygroovyfunction');
The TypeScript import isn't quite as concise as I'd like, but I can deal.