I have a list with company names, some of them has abbreviations. ex:
compNames = ['Costa Limited', 'D B M LTD']
I need to convert compNames of text to a matrix of token counts using the following. But this does not output columns for B D M
in D B M LTD
count_vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer='word')
What is the best way to concatenate the single characters in a text?
ex: 'D B M LTD' to 'DBM LTD'
import re
string = 'D B M LTD'
print re.sub("([^ ]) ", r"\1", re.sub(" ([^ ]{2,})", r" \1", string))
Awkward, but it should work. It introduces an additional space in front of LTD and then replaces "D " with "D", "B " with "B" and so on.