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scraping website that is generated by javascript in C#

I am new to coding. I am trying to make a simple console app that will run internet speed test. I've searched all over and I couldn't find the answer. I tried all the sample answers but I couldn't get the program to run. For now, my program returns 0 which is a value from HTML source document. I need the value from javascript. the website is I only need the speed test results. I need help. here is my code:

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class Program
    static void Main(string[] args) 
        HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();
        string url = "";
        HtmlDocument doc = web.LoadFromBrowser(url, html =>
              return !html.Contains
              ("<div class=\"speed-results-container succeeded\"  
              id=\"speed_value\" ></div>");

         var t1 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode



  • So the whole "magic" of the test is made in app-ea56f7.js file. This file is sending request and receiving chunks of data from netflix. Unfortunately, as referenced in Running Scripts in HtmlAgilityPack there is no direct way of having this without using a headless browser.

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