I have a menu on the outlet of an NSTableView. It will show the menu when I right click on the Table View, but I don't want to show the menu if there is no row selected. How can I stop the menu from showing when I right click and there is no row selected?
I have tried the:
but it never gets called
I have tried NSMenuDelegate and its
func menuWillOpen(_ menu: NSMenu) { }
func menuNeedsUpdate(_ menu: NSMenu) { }
but none of them return anything that I can set to DONT show menu IF...
The suggested duplicate asks to prevent displaying the contextual menu when clicking on a specific cell. This question is about preventing the menu to show when no ROW is selected.
It was pretty easy:
and add this method:
func menuWillOpen(_ menu: NSMenu) {
if myTableView.selectedRow < 0 {