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How to validate Google Recaptcha 2.0 server side in ASP Classic?

I need help to implement the answer Google Recaptcha 2.0.

I've tried a few ways to recover the response after sending the form but not consigui get the answer True.

Follows the example I'm trying:

    Option Explicit
        <script src="" async defer></script>

    If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
        Dim recaptcha_secret, sendstring, objXML
        ' Secret key
        recaptcha_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxsec"

        sendstring = "" & recaptcha_secret & "&response=" & Request.form("g-recaptcha-response")

        Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
        objXML.Open "GET", sendstring, False


        Response.write "<br><h3>Response: " & objXML.responseText & "</h3><br>"

  Set objXML = Nothing

  END If


        <form method="post" action="">
            <!-- Site key -->
            <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="xxxxxxxxxx"></div>
            <br />
            <input type="submit" value="Try">

How do I implement a way to check that Recaptcha were marked?


  • finally found it after so many search i found it first i use this asp class then to validate the response i use this

        result = (objXML.responseText)
        Set oJSON = New aspJSON
        Set objXML = Nothing
        success ="success")
        if success = "True" then
            action = "go to next page"
            action = ""
        end if

    now the used code is :

    Option Explicit
        <script src="" async defer></script>
    <!-- #include file="aspJSON.asp"-->
    If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
        Dim recaptcha_secret, sendstring, objXML
        ' Secret key
        recaptcha_secret = "XXXCCCXXXX"
        sendstring = "" & recaptcha_secret & "&response=" & Request.form("g-recaptcha-response")
        Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
        objXML.Open "GET", sendstring, False
        dim result, oJSON, success, action, errorCapatcha, errorMsg 
        result = (objXML.responseText)
        Set oJSON = New aspJSON
        Set objXML = Nothing
        success ="success")
        if success = "True" then
            action = "go to next page"
            action = "do nothing"
        end if
     END If
        <form method="post" action="">
            <!-- Site key -->
            <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="XXXXXXXXX"></div>
            <br />
            <input type="submit" value="Try">

    Many Thanks to Lankymart, Leonardo Duarte