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Is it posible to run feature cucumber in parallel in different browser

I'm working in a big project, i want to run eature cucumber in parallel in different browser I have the featuren the step definition ? the webdriverfactory and the shared preferences.

I have this method in webfactory and it works and i write the testng.xml

 public WebDriver driver;
    public static WebDriver get() {
          WebDriver driver = null ;
        driver= new ChromeDriver();

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
    <suite name="SuiteSopraHR" parallel="tests">

      <test  name="testie">
    <!--   <parameter name="myBrowser" value="ie" /> -->
          <class name="com.driver.WebDriverFactory"/>
      </test> <!-- Test -->

        <test  name="testchrome">
    <!--   <parameter name="myBrowser" value="chrome" /> -->
          <class name="com.driver.WebDriverFactory"/>

      </test> <!-- Test -->
    </suite> <!-- Suite -->

I don't know how to change the other method because it didn't has any parameter to pass and it return a web driver. when I have changed all the other method in other classes have a problem with it any suggestion please. and is the cucumber-jvm can run feature in parallel in different browser ??? or in console ???


  • You can indeed run Cucumber features and scenarios in parallel using Courgette-JVM

    When you run your tests, you can set a System property that would target the browser you wish to use in parallel.

    Another useful library to manage your driver binaries is WebDriver Binary Downloader

    You can then specify the browser to use at runtime using:

    System.setProperty("browser", "chrome");


    VM option -Dbrowser="chrome"

    private WebDriver driver;
    public void createDriver() {
        final String browser = System.getProperty("browser", "chrome").toLowerCase();
        switch (browser) {
            case "chrome":
                driver = new ChromeDriver();
            case "firefox":
                driver = new FirefoxDriver();
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid browser specified!");