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XML to JSON when there is <![CDATA[]]> in PHP

I am trying to convert a group of xml files from a directory to json format but in my xml there are CDATA, son when it converts the CDATA went empty. I was using simplexml_load_file($xml) but I read that doesn't get CDDATA, so i tried simplexml_load_string($xml, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA) but

It just gave me this errors:

Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 5: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\xmlfilter\xmlfilter.php on line 65

Warning: simplexml_load_string(): in C:\xampp\htdocs\xmlfilter\xmlfilter.php on line 65

Warning: simplexml_load_string(): ^ in C:\xampp\htdocs\xmlfilter\xmlfilter.php on line 65

At the end of the new file it write 'false?¿':


Example of my xml:


That's it my code: enter image description here


  • $xml = simplexml_load_file("xml/".$y);
    simplexml_load_string($xml, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA)

    simplexml_load_file takes a file path in a string as input and returns a simple XML object. This is fine.

    simplexml_load_string takes some XML in a string as input and returns a simple XML object. You are giving it a simple XML object as input, not a string. This is not fine.

    Use simplexml_load_file or simplexml_load_string, not both.