I have written the following batch script, which runs another batch script on a directory, or, with addition of a flag, on a directory tree and then on an equivalent directory or directory tree on a different drive (Z:). No matter which option I choose, it outputs the error "The system cannot find the path specified." It does do what it's supposed to if I do it on just one directory, even though it gives the error. It doesn't work successfully on a directory tree. I've run it without @echo off to try understand where its failing, without success. The directory which it's trying to change into does exist.
@echo off
set origdir=%CD%
if X%~f1==X (
echo Please input a directory.
goto done
chdir /d %~f1
for %%X in (myotherscript.bat) do (set FOUND=%%~$PATH:X)
if not defined FOUND (
echo myotherscript is not in your PATH
if X%2==X/R (
goto recursive
) else ( goto single )
for /d /r %%G in (.) do call myotherscript
echo Z:%~p1
chdir /d "Z:%~p1"
for /d /r %%G in (.) do call myotherscript
goto ended
call myotherscript
echo Z:%~p1
chdir /d "Z:%~p1"
call myotherscript
goto ended
chdir /d origdir
goto done
Here is "myotherscript" Yes, purge does exist.
@echo off
if exist "D:\path\to\purge.bat" (
call purge
for %%f in (*.log.*) do call :renameit "%%f"
for %%f in (*.drw.*) do call :renameit "%%f"
for %%f in (*.asm.*) do call :renameit "%%f"
for %%f in (*.prt.*) do call :renameit "%%f"
goto done ) else (
echo Purge does not exist.
goto done )
ren %1 *.1
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I'm not sure why this (very old) question got reactivated. But since it has, let's see if we can close this out.
There seem to be two problems here. First:
it outputs the error "The system cannot find the path specified."
This looks like a simple typo on this line:
chdir /d origdir
Without the '%' marks, this is trying to change to a directory literally named origdir
, rather than the original directory the script was run from, which would be:
chdir /d %origdir%
Second problem is:
It does do what it's supposed to if I do it on just one directory, even though it gives the error. It doesn't work successfully on a directory tree.
At a guess, this is due to this line:
if X%2==X/R
"IF" is case sensitive. If you tried to run this using /r
, it wouldn't see the request for recursion and would always execute single