I've implemented my mail server as dictated here.
It works perfectly fine. My curiousity revolves around entering users into the database and authenticating them
INSERT INTO users (email, password) VALUES ('sales@example.com', ENCRYPT('password'));
Multiple times will give a different hash for the encrypted password as its utilizing a random salt. I.e. If I enter sales@example.com three times with the same password each hash is different...
My question to this is, how is it that the Postfix server can actually authenticate the password when a user logs in via a mail client?
There isn't any problem per say as it works fine, more just to satisfy my curiosity so I can fully understand whats going on behind the scenes to properly authenticate the encrypted password.
Read man crypt: it returns the salt in the first two chars of the return value.
So the salt is not lost, you can compare the encrypted string to the result of crypt( 'pass', $first_two_chars_of_encrypted_value ).