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How to implement a take_until_and_consume-like parser combinator that does not skip the tag?

I would like to write a nom parser combinator that takes as many bytes up to and including a tag sequence. I tried using take_until_and_consume!, but I found that the generated parser combinator discards the tag sequence:

extern crate nom;

named!(up_to_and_including_backslash, take_until_and_consume!("\\"));

fn main() {
    let res = up_to_and_including_backslash(b"    \\");
    println!("{:?}", res);

Results in:

Done([], [32, 32, 32, 32])

What I would like is for the tag sequence (in this case, the backslash character) to be included in the result:

Done([], [32, 32, 32, 32, 92])

How can I accomplish this?


  • update:
    You want to use recognize! on take_until_and_consume!("\\") to add everything it consumed to the Output.

    You would write your parser function like this:

    extern crate nom;
    named!(up_to_and_including_backslash, recognize!( take_until_and_consume!("\\") ));
    fn main() {
        let res = up_to_and_including_backslash(b"    \\");
        println!("{:?}", res);

    In case you needed to include the consumed symbols of multiple parsers to your Output you could put them all inside a do_parse! within recognize!. Like so:

    recognize!( do_parse!( tag!("\\") >> take_until_and_consume!("\\") >> take!(4) >> () ) )

    The only way I got this to work was this ugly abomination.

            line: take_until_and_consume!("\\") >>
                    let mut complete_line:Vec<u8> = line.to_vec();