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hide sheet rows based on slicer selection

Is there any way to hide certain rows if a certain value in slicer is selected? I have some plots that need to be shown only if one specific chain is selected, if it's not selected - then hide the plots (located in rows 287:345). I tried following, but it didn't work:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

    If ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Chain").SlicerItems("ChainName").Selected = True Then
        Rows("287:346").Hidden = False
        Rows("287:346").Hidden = True
    End If

End Sub


  • Requirement: To show\hide a Range of rows based on the Selected status of a SlicerItem.

    VBA Procedure: (as per OP approach)

    Try the following procedure (see comments\explanation within the procedure):

        Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
        Dim sc As SlicerCache, sl As Slicer
        Dim sPt As String, sFld As String, sItm As String, sRng As String
        'Use variables to hold the criteria to be applied
            sPt = "PivotTable1"
            sFld = "Chain"
            sItm = "A.6"
            sRng = "287:346"
            With Target
                Rem Validate PivotTable
                If .Name <> sPt Then Exit Sub
        ' As Slicer names can be easily changed by users, need to identify
        ' the SlicerCache connected to the target `PivotTable` using the 
        ' SourceName of the PivotField. This step returns the SlicerCache 
        ' connected to the PivotTable otherwise, the SlicerCache is nothing.
                Rem Set SlicerCache
                For Each sl In .Slicers
                    If sl.SlicerCache.SourceName = sFld Then
                        Set sc = sl.SlicerCache
                        Exit For
            End If: Next: End With
            Rem Validate SlicerItem & Apply Result
            If Not (sc Is Nothing) Then
        ' This line Shows\Hides the target range based on the opposite 
        ' status of the target SlicerItem.
                Me.Rows(sRng).EntireRow.Hidden = Not (sc.SlicerItems(sItm).Selected)
        ' PivotTable is not connected to a Slicer of the target PivotField
                MsgBox "PivotTable [" & sPt & "]" & String(2, vbLf) & _
                    vbTab & "is not connected to Slicer of Field [" & sFld & "].", _
                    vbApplicationModal + vbInformation, "Slicers Selection"
            End If
            End Sub

    Another Aproach:

    Bear in mind that a Slicer is a kind of remote control of the PivotTables that works in both directions, i.e. the Slicer updates the PivotTables and the PivotTables update the Slicer, as such there is no need to validate if the PivotTable was updated by a Slicer operation, just need to check the Visible property of the target PivotItem in the target PivotTable, regardless of whether the Slicer and the PivotTable are connected or not.

    This procedure only uses the target PivotTable i.e. shows or hides the target range, based on whether the PivotItem is visible or not in the PivotTable.

        Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
        Dim sPt As String, sFld As String, sItm As String, sRng As String
            sPt = "PivotTable1"
            sFld = "Chain"
            sItm = "A.6"
            sRng = "287:346"
            With Target
                Rem Validate PivotTable
                If .Name <> sPt Then Exit Sub
                Rem Validate PivotItem & Apply Result
                With .PivotFields(sFld).PivotItems(sItm)
                    Me.Rows(sRng).EntireRow.Hidden = Not (.Visible)
            End With: End With
            End Sub