I have a WIX project that must only be installed on Windows Server 2016 (or newer).
Looking at Microsoft documentation, VersionNT for:
Windows Server 2016 is 603, Windows Server 2012 is 602.
The VersionNT for Windows Server 2012R2 has never been mentioned.
When I use below line of code:
<Condition Message="!(loc.RequireServer2016)"><![CDATA[INSTALLED OR (VersionNT >= 603)]]></Condition>
it still lets me install on Windows Server 2012R2.
How can I limit the installation of my software to only Server 2016 and prevent it from installing on Server 2012R2?
should be Installed
. Properties are case sensitive and you must definitely fix that in your condition - or else that part of the condition will never be true - even if the product is installed.
The rest of the condition looks OK actually. Just some ideas to determine what is wrong:
WiX Source Element: Are you sure you have included this condition in the right location in the WiX source?
Versionlessness: There have been massive changes to how the OS version is detected in Windows 10
. I don't know if this also affects Windows Server 2012R2
as well.
does not necessarily report the correct version of the OS at all!In order to determine what the value of VersionNT
really is in your setup, I'd use one of two ways to check properties at runtime. The latter option (logging) is generally quicker and easier, whereas the first option allows you to also evaluate complex conditions as the setup runs and show whether they are true or false at runtime by using the Session.EvaluateCondition method (I use this method call when conditions are complex and confusing and I want some runtime proof that they behave like I expect):
Property Debugger VBScript: I have a property debugger VBScript I use to display a bunch of property values at runtime for an MSI file and to evaluate conditions at runtime to show whether they evaluate to true or not - as stated above. If I were you I would use such a script to display VersionNT
at runtime (and whatever other property or condition you want to check).
Logging: Just create a log file for the setup and check the value of VersionNT
in it. I like to enable logging for all setups as explained here: installsite.org on how to do logging - see the "Globally for all setups on a machine"-section). Despite the performance hit, I always have a log file ready in the TEMP folder
for debugging. The same link will show you how to make an ad-hoc log for a single install only as well (essentially: msiexec.exe /i "c:\filename.msi" /QN /L*V "C:\msilog.log" REBOOT=R
- silent install with logging and suppressed reboot - even more logging info).
Property Debugger Demo: This is beyond what you asked, but I think you may struggle to debug this issue and similar ones for your server deployments, and I want to give you a quick demo on how to evaluate MSI conditions in VBScript.
Your condition above is generally too simple to bother with this, but this is a general approach for very complicated conditions - for example when you want to run a custom action only on repair or on major upgrade initiated uninstalls - the proof is always in testing, no matter how hard you think about things.
Your condition evaluated at runtime using VBScript:
MsgBox "Condition: " & CBool( Session.EvaluateCondition("Installed OR (VersionNT >= 603)"))
Such a VBScript custom action can be inserted in different sequences and in different locations as you wish. Property values may differ depending on your sequencing (!) and also what installation mode you are in (install
, uninstall
, repair
, modify
, self-repair
, major upgrade
(involves one MSI being installed and one being uninstalled), minor upgrade
, minor upgrade patch
, major upgrade patch
etc...) and whether you are running in deferred
or immediate
context or whether you are running silently or interactively, and whatever variable I have forgotten - lots of moving parts in MSI. For example if you insert the custom action at the beginning of the UI sequence, then AppSearch has not run yet, and some properties are not yet set. You can also insert property debugging constructs in the administrative-
and advertisement-installation
sequences if need be.
And maybe a couple of further conditions for testing purposes:
And then some that warrant testing due to complexity (not my conditions, they are from here):
I hope that was a clear concept. I have a VBScript for such property debugging, but it is too large and messy to put here.