Pretend I have a function like...
function Get-Something {
return Get-DogShit
} my Pester test script...
$var = 1
Mock 'Get-Dogshit' { return $var }
it 'should return true' {
Get-Something | should $var
This doesn't work, but you see what I'm trying to do here? I want to get the value from a local variable into a MOCK script block. I want to avoid hard coding the return value in the mock and the expected result in the it-block. Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
Wasn't sure if it would work as not messed with pester before but apparently it follows the same scope rules as standard PowerShell.
So $script:var = 1
, and the brute-force $global:var = 1
if it doesn't or if you need to call it from outside the script scope.