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R package for updating cells in an existing Excel Spreadsheet

Is there a R package for updating cells/ranges in a Excel Spreadsheet? I don't want to overwrite the entire spreadsheet. Just target individual cells/ranges. The reason is that the other cells in the spreadsheet have formula, which I don't want to touch.

Something similar to what GemBox provides for Visual Basic?

Note: We need something that is not dependent on JRE.


  • I've often used the package XLConnect, which offers many functions:

    #  [1] "addImage"                        "appendNamedRegion"              
    #  [3] "appendWorksheet"                 "aref"                           
    #  [5] "aref2idx"                        "clearNamedRegion"               
    #  [7] "clearRange"                      "clearRangeFromReference"        
    #  [9] "clearSheet"                      "cloneSheet"                     
    # [11] "col2idx"                         "createCellStyle"                
    # [13] "createFreezePane"                "createName"                     
    # [15] "createSheet"                     "createSplitPane"                
    # [17] "cref2idx"                        "existsName"                     
    # [19] "existsSheet"                     "extractSheetName"               
    # [21] "getActiveSheetIndex"             "getActiveSheetName"             
    # [23] "getBoundingBox"                  "getCellFormula"                 
    # [25] "getCellStyle"                    "getCellStyleForType"            
    # [27] "getDefinedNames"                 "getForceFormulaRecalculation"   
    # [29] "getLastColumn"                   "getLastRow"                     
    # [31] "getReferenceCoordinates"         "getReferenceCoordinatesForName" 
    # [33] "getReferenceCoordinatesForTable" "getReferenceFormula"            
    # [35] "getSheetPos"                     "getSheets"                      
    # [37] "getTables"                       "hideSheet"                      
    # [39] "idx2aref"                        "idx2col"                        
    # [41] "idx2cref"                        "isSheetHidden"                  
    # [43] "isSheetVeryHidden"               "isSheetVisible"                 
    # [45] "loadWorkbook"                    "mergeCells"                     
    # [47] "mirai"                           "normalizeDataframe"             
    # [49] "onErrorCell"                     "print"                          
    # [51] "readNamedRegion"                 "readNamedRegionFromFile"        
    # [53] "readTable"                       "readWorksheet"                  
    # [55] "readWorksheetFromFile"           "removeName"                     
    # [57] "removePane"                      "removeSheet"                    
    # [59] "renameSheet"                     "saveWorkbook"                   
    # [61] "setActiveSheet"                  "setAutoFilter"                  
    # [63] "setBorder"                       "setCellFormula"                 
    # [65] "setCellStyle"                    "setCellStyleForType"            
    # [67] "setColumnWidth"                  "setDataFormat"                  
    # [69] "setDataFormatForType"            "setFillBackgroundColor"         
    # [71] "setFillForegroundColor"          "setFillPattern"                 
    # [73] "setForceFormulaRecalculation"    "setHyperlink"                   
    # [75] "setMissingValue"                 "setRowHeight"                   
    # [77] "setSheetColor"                   "setSheetPos"                    
    # [79] "setStyleAction"                  "setStyleNamePrefix"             
    # [81] "setWrapText"                     "show"                           
    # [83] "summary"                         "swissfranc"                     
    # [85] "unhideSheet"                     "unmergeCells"                   
    # [87] "writeNamedRegion"                "writeNamedRegionToFile"         
    # [89] "writeWorksheet"                  "writeWorksheetToFile"           
    # [91] "XLC"                             "xlcDump"                        
    # [93] "xlcEdit"                         "xlcFreeMemory"                  
    # [95] "xlcMemoryReport"                 "xlcRestore"   

    Running help("XLConnect") offers an example to get you started and there is more material on the web. Specifically, I think you are looking for the writeWorksheet-function.