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Moxios - TypeError: Cannot read property 'adapter' of undefined

Trying to test axios calls and trying the moxios package.

"axios": "^0.16.2", "moxios": "^0.4.0",

Found here:

Following there example, but my test errors out on the moxios.install() line:

import axios from 'axios'
import moxios from 'moxios'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import { equal } from 'assert'

describe('mocking axios requests', function () {

  describe('across entire suite', function () {

    beforeEach(function () {
      // import and pass your custom axios instance to this method

My actual test

import axios from 'axios';
import moxios from 'moxios';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { equal } from 'assert';

const akamaiData = {
  name: 'akamai'

describe('mocking axios requests', () => {
  describe('across entire suite', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      // import and pass your custom axios instance to this method

    afterEach(() => {
      // import and pass your custom axios instance to this method

    it('should stub requests', (done) => {
      moxios.stubRequest('/akamai', {
        status: 200,
        response: {
          name: 'akamai'

      // const onFulfilled = sinon.spy();
      // axios.get('/akamai').then(onFulfilled);
      // moxios.wait(() => {
      //   equal(onFulfilled.getCall(0).args[0], akamaiData);
      //   done();
      // });

enter image description here

I did find this closed issue here, however the fix "passing axios into the moxios.install(axios) function did not work"


  • Turns out I did not need moxios, in my test I did not want to make an actual API call... just needed to make sure that function was called. Fixed it with a test function.

    import { makeRequest } from 'utils/services';
    import { getImages } from './akamai';
    global.console = { error: jest.fn() };
    jest.mock('utils/services', () => ({
      makeRequest: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: { foo: 'bar' } }))
    describe('Akamai getImages', () => {
      it('should make a request when we get images', () => {
        expect(makeRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/akamai', 'GET');