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Marascuilo procedure in R

I'm conducting the marascuilio procedure in order to compare differences between proportions. I'm using the following code (copied and adapted from this tutorial:

## Set the proportions of interest.
p = c(0.3481, 0.1730, 0.4788)
N = length(p)
value = critical.range = c()

## Compute critical values.
for (i in 1:(N-1))
{ for (j in (i+1):N)
  value = c(value,(abs(p[i]-p[j])))
  critical.range = c(critical.range,
                     sqrt(qchisq(.95,3))*sqrt(p[i]*(1-p[i])/12000 + p[j]*(1-p[j])/12000))

I need that the output will print also the labels of the categories (e.g. which categories are exactly being compared).

So if the categories are listed in a seperated vector, e.g. categories <- c("cat1", "cat2", cat"3), the comparisons are cat1-cat2 , cat1-cat3, and cat2-cat3.

How can i append these labels to my output?

    value critical.range
[1,] 0.175          0.016
[2,] 0.131          0.018
[3,] 0.306          0.016


  • Be careful about the denominator in your calculation of the critical.range (12000)...that is based on your sample size for EACH category - if you don't have 12000 observations for each category, then that needs to be adjusted -if you have far fewer than 12000 observations, your critical values are probably much lower than what that function gave you (and consequently, you should have fewer sign. differences).