This has been a very annoying problem for me and I couldn't find any keymaps or settings that could cause this behavior.
I open a browser on windows, copy some text, go to editor or console, paste it somewhere without highlighting any text, hit ctrl+v, it pastes fine
I open a browser on windows, copy some text, go to editor or console, highlight some text there, hit ctrl+v in attempt to replace the highlighted text with what's in my clipboard. The text didn't change. I leave pycharm and paste somewhere else, the text in clipboard has now become the text I highlighted.
Edit: ok I just realized this: as soon as I highlight the text, it gets copied...I've turned this feature off for terminal, but couldn't find a global settings for the editor etc. Anyone know how?
I figured it out: it's caused by the copy-on-select setting of my linux system. To turn it off, go to mobax-settings-configurations-x11-clipboard-disable 'copy on select'