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Modify regex to include hyphenated words

I have this tokenizer I found on another stack question, however, I need to modify it and am struggling. It currently splits hyphenated words into separate tokens but I want them to be single tokens.


[(m.start(0), m.end(0), for m in re.finditer("\w+|\$[\d\.]+|\S+",target_sentence)]

given the following sentence: "half-life is a single token" it should give the following tokens (plus the character offset info):

['half-life', 'is', 'a', 'single', 'token']

Instead it gives:

[(0, 4, 'half'),
(4, 9, '-life'),
(10, 12, 'is'),
(13, 14, 'a'),
(15, 21, 'single'),
(22, 27, 'token')]

EDIT: I want the character info not just word tokens so string.split is not going to cut it


  • Your regex is matching half using \w+ and matching remaining -life using last alternate \S+.

    You may use this regex to capture optional hyphenated words:


    RegEx Demo

    \w(?:-\w+)* will match 1 or more words separated by hyphen.