I have exactly the problem stated in this discussion:
Storing and Printing values in Array - VBA
but I need to see them through debug, not only print them.
Substantially, I created this code:
Sub Montecarlo()
Dim X0, Xi, T, dt, m, s, Zi, dXi As Double
Dim ArraydXi() As Variant
X0 = 10
T = 5
dt = 1
m = 0.01
s = 0.2
n = T / dt
For i = 1 To n
Zi = Application.WorksheetFunction.Norm_S_Inv(Rnd())
dXi = m * dt + s * (dt) ^ (1 / 2) * Zi
ArraydXi() = Array(dXi)
SumElements = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ArraydXi())
Xi = X0 + SumElements
End Sub
Anyway there are two problems here:
1) when I go through debug, into ArraydXi()
I see it is stored only the last (the fifth in this case) dXi
value of the for loop, while I want to be stored all the five dXi
values of each step of the for loop and
2) consequently in the SumElements
variable, there is no trace of the sum of the five elements that should be stored into the array.
May I ask any idea to solve this problem?
Please let me know wheter this solves the problem or not.
Sub Montecarlo()
Dim X0, Xi, T, dt, m, s, Zi, dXi As Double
Dim ArraydXi() As Variant
X0 = 10
T = 5
dt = 1
m = 0.01
s = 0.2
n = T / dt
ReDim ArraydXi(n)
For i = 1 To n
Zi = Application.Norm_S_Inv(Rnd())
dXi = m * dt + s * (dt) ^ (1 / 2) * Zi
ReDim Preserve ArraydXi(i)
ArraydXi(i) = dXi
Debug.Print ArraydXi(i)
SumElements = Application.Sum(ArraydXi)
Xi = X0 + SumElements
End Sub