Given the following function, (borrowed from Rosetta Code)
: (echo) ( sock buf -- sock buf )
cr ." waiting..."
2dup 2dup size read-socket nip
dup 0>
." got: " 2dup type ( <-- HERE )
rot write-socket
drop drop drop ;
What does type
do in,
." got: " 2dup type
is a word. You can find the list of the words here
type c-addr u – core “type”
If u>0, display u characters from a string starting with the character stored at c-addr.
In this case you have
128 constant size
create buf size allot
Then you set buf
with read-socket
. This type
it to a string and prints it out.
Returns a memory address for the string and the size.
cr s" foo bar " .s
<2> 94085808947584 8 ok
Here we provide the memory address and size to type
and get "foo bar"
cr 94085808947584 8 type
foo bar ok