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How can I check if Any value isEmpty?

I have the following trait and class (actually this is a simplification, the real code is written in Java and is outside of my control):

trait BusinessTermValue {
  def getValue: Any

class BusinessTermValueImpl(override val getValue: Any) extends BusinessTermValue

Now I'm trying to improve my API without touching the original code (Pimp My Library pattern):

package object businessterms {

  implicit final class BusinessTermValueSupport(val btv: BusinessTermValue) extends AnyVal {

    def isDefined(): Boolean = btv != null && btv.value != null

    def isEmpty(): Boolean = isDefined() && (btv.value match {
      case s: String => s.isEmpty
      case l: Traversable[_] => l.isEmpty
      case c: java.util.Collection[_] => c.isEmpty
      case _ => false

    def getAs[T](): T = btv.value.asInstanceOf[T]


  object BusinessTerm {
    def apply(value: Any): BusinessTermValue = new BusinessTermValueImpl(value)


It works quite well:

println(BusinessTerm("A String").isEmpty) // false
println(BusinessTerm(1).isEmpty) // false, Int can't be empty
println(BusinessTerm(new Integer(1)).isEmpty) // false, Integer can't be empty
println(BusinessTerm(List(1, 2, 3)).isEmpty) // false
println(BusinessTerm(List(1, 2, 3).asJava).isEmpty) // false
println(BusinessTerm("").isEmpty) // true
println(BusinessTerm(List()).isEmpty) // true
println(BusinessTerm(Seq()).isEmpty) // true
println(BusinessTerm(Map()).isEmpty) // true
println(BusinessTerm(List().asJava).isEmpty) // true

Still the pattern matching in isEmpty is cumbersome. Ideally I would like to use structural types and make sure that any type that implements isEmpty works with my API.

Unfortunately the code below doesn't work. The variable e matches any type, even when value does not define isEmpty:

def isEmpty(): Boolean = isDefined() && (btv.value match {
  case e: { def isEmpty(): Boolean } => e.isEmpty
  case _ => false

Is there a way to delegate isEmpty only when the underlying value implements it?


  • I was the one suggesting the Try version

    def isEmpty(): Boolean = isDefined && (btv.value match {
      case e: { def isEmpty(): Boolean } => Try(e.isEmpty).getOrElse(false)
      case _ => false

    I also noted that catching exceptions is expensive but I believe that this case would be the least common as in principle you would be using this construct when you expect to have an isEmpty method. So I think the trade-off may pay and would consider this a case of defensive coding.