Suppose that I have a program that takes a pointer as its input. Without prior knowledge about the structure of the pointee, how does a fuzzer create valid inputs that can actually hits the internal of the program? To make this more concrete, imagine an artificial C program
int myprogram (unknow_pointer* input){
printf("%s", input->name);
In some situations, the tested program first checks the input format. If the input format is not good, it raises an exception. In such situations, how can a fuzzer reach program points beyond that exception-raising statement?
Most fuzzers don't know anything about the internal structure of the program. Different fuzzers dealt with this in a various ways:
However, in recent years a new kind of fuzzers was evolved - feedback based fuzzers - these fuzzers perform mutations on a valid (or not) input, and based on feedback they receive from the fuzzed program they decide how and what to mutate next. The feedback is received by instrumenting the program execution, either by injection tracing in compile time, injecting the tracing code by patching the program in runtime, or using hardware tracing mechanisms. First among them is AFL (you can read more about it here).