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MVVMCross iOS how to pass parameter in TableViewCell button

I have a button inside my tableviewcell, and I am trying to pass DataContext as a parameter to a button command inside the tableviewcell. so that a command action can be performed in the view model. Here is my code in the tableviewcell class:

public partial class AssociatedEntCell : MvxTableViewCell
    public static readonly NSString Key = new NSString(nameof(AssociatedEntCell));

    private const string BindingText = "AssociatedEnt Username";

    public AssociatedEntCell(IntPtr handle) : base(BindingText, handle)

    private void InitialiseBindings()
        this.DelayBind(() =>
            var set = this.CreateBindingSet<AssociatedEntCell, AssociationItemViewModel>();

            set.Bind(btnDeleteAssociation).To(vm => vm.DeleteAssociationCommand).CommandParameter(this.DataContext);

    public string AssociatedEnt { get { return lblAssociatedName.Text; } set { lblAssociatedName.Text = value; } }



It works perfectly the first time; but once I perform clear and add operations on the associated ObservableCollection, the DataContext is not updated, and I get the same old DataContext as before. Below is the ViewModel snippet for the ObservableCollection:

    private MvxObservableCollection<AssociationItemViewModel> associatedEntities;
    public MvxObservableCollection<AssociationItemViewModel> AssociatedEntities
        get { return associatedEntities; }
        set { SetProperty(ref associatedEntities, value); }

    private async Task LoadAssociations()
        Dispatcher.RequestMainThreadAction(() => { 

        //Fetching the list from API
        var res = await businessFacade.GetAssociations(entityID, true);

            if (res == null || !res.Any())

            foreach (var item in res)
                var associationItem = new AssociationItemViewModel
                    AccountName = item.acname,
                    AccountNum = item.acnum.GetValueOrDefault(),
                    UserID = item.usrid.GetValueOrDefault(),
                    Username = item.usrname,
                    DeleteAssociationCommand = this.DeleteAssociationCommandInit

                Dispatcher.RequestMainThreadAction(() => { 

Other than the DataContext, The view however, does not lose its binding, and the tableview displays the new updated rows same as in the ObservableCollection.

Is there a way to get the updated DataContext for the command? or any possible method to know the real indexPath even after the changes made to the observablecollection?


  • I ended up using a separate property for holding the index path instead, like so:

    My TableviewSource:

       protected override UITableViewCell GetOrCreateCellFor(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath, object item)
            var cell = (AssociatedEntCell)tableView.DequeueReusableCell(AssociatedEntCell.Key);
            if (cell != null)
                cell.Index = indexPath.Row;
            return cell;

    And my Cell:

    public partial class AssociatedEntCell : MvxTableViewCell
        public static readonly NSString Key = new NSString(nameof(AssociatedEntCell));
        private const string BindingText = "AssociatedEnt Username; AssociatedUserID UserID";
        public AssociatedEntCell(IntPtr handle) : base(BindingText, handle)
        private void InitialiseBindings()
            this.DelayBind(() =>
                var set = this.CreateBindingSet<AssociatedEntCell, AssociationItemViewModel>();
                set.Bind(btnDeleteAssociation).To(vm => vm.DeleteAssociationCommand).CommandParameter(this.Index);
        public string AssociatedEnt { get { return lblAssociatedName.Text; } set { lblAssociatedName.Text = value; } }
        public int AssociatedUserID { get; set; }
        public int Index { get; set; }