I have two models Article and Category
class Article < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories
I want to get Articles that have category 1 AND category 2 associated.
Article.joins(:categories).where(categories: {id: [1,2]} )
The code above won't do it because if an Article with category 1 OR category 2 is associated then it will be returned and thats not the goal. Both must match.
The way to do it is to join the same table multiple times. Here is an untested class method on Article:
def self.must_have_categories(category_ids)
scope = self
category_ids.each do |category_id|
scope = scope.joins("INNER JOIN articles_categories as ac#{category_id} ON articles.id = ac#{category_id}.article_id").
where("ac#{category_id}.category_id = ?", category_id)