As a result of their Cambridge Analytica damage-limitation, Facebook have just announced a bunch of immediate changes to the Facebook APIs and the Instagram APIs.
I have a running project that makes heavy use of Instagram API users/self/media/recent
Reference Link:
According to this reference url, api /users/{user-id}/media/recent is depriciating soon, So in my case I am also making use of /media/recent api but on {self} and not using {user-id}.
So my question to you guys is - Are both of these API's same and both are going to be discontinued? (I strongly hope thats not the case :) )
If yes, then what is the possible alternate to fetch instagram recent user feed?
Thanks in advance.
This API endpoint like all old Instagram API will be deprecated. You can read the note here:
They are migrating to Facebook Graph API. I believe that all developers using old Instagram API will have to migrate at some point to FB Graph API. Currently there is no support for fetching media from regular users. FB Graph API is running only for Instagram Business Accounts.
Most probably they will add support for regular Instagram accounts in the future. They are adding new endpoints so sooner or later equivalent to /users/self/media will be available in Graph API.