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Powershell, start or stop iis site using msdeploy

I was trying to migrate my batch script to powershell.

I have tried writing the script and run it from powershell ise.

$sites = @("abc","xyz","pqr")
foreach ($site in $sites)
    msdeploy -verb:sync -verbose -source:runcommand -dest:runcommand="$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd stop site /":$site

When I run the command(msdeploy) it runs perfect from command prompt.

I get the following error (attached):

Error capture

I would appreciate if someone can help me on this. Thanks in advance.


  • After so much of struggle I figured it out, and resolved the issue.

    foreach($site in $sites){
    msdeploy -verb:sync -verbose -source:runcommand -dest:runcommand=`"$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd stop site /`":"$site",computername="$serverName",username="$user",password="$passCode"

    It was just a escape character that helped me to run the script("`").

    I hope it helps someone without pulling their hair.