Here my code and output:
func RestClient(req *http.Request) {
fmt.Println("main (120):::", req.MultipartForm.File)
main (120)::: &{map[userName:[0xc4200a66e0] diamond:[0xc4200f67b0] ]}
for k,v := range req.MultipartForm.File{
if k == "userName" {
for _, v2 := range v {
fmt.Println("main (130):::",v2)
> main (130)::: &{ map[Content-Length:[8] > Content-Disposition:[form-data; name="dk"] > Content-Transfer-Encoding:[binary] Content-Type:[multipart/form-data; > charset=utf-8]] 8 [117 115 101 114 78 97 109 101] }
I want the (slice byte [117 115 101 114 78 97 109 101]) but can’t pull out that, how can print the (content []byte), As we know the field from FileHeader struct:
type FileHeader struct {
Filename string
Header textproto.MIMEHeader
Size int64
content []byte
tmpfile string
Thanks in advance.
Call FileHeader.Open, which returns a multipart.File:
type File interface {
How you deal with this file depends on what you want to do with the contents. ioutil.ReadAll is an option, but often it is more convenient to leave it as-is and use io.Copy to write the content to another io.Writer. Don't forget to call Close after you're done reading.