So far i had read many questions but i am sure that i am total a mix up because i am unable understand how to use Search at odoo TransientModel. I had written a code that get Active_ids from self
I am supposing these actives_ids as
but when i tried to use them
product_recs =[('product_tmpl_id', 'in', context)])
result = {}
for rec in product_recs:
print(rec.default_code )
result[rec.default_code ]
but its always return
result[rec.default_code ]
KeyError: '1'
Here is my full code
import logging
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.exceptions import Warning
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class product_export_to_rakuten(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'rakuten_ftp.export_product'
def export_products(self):
# check for more than one orders.
# print(self.env)
produtc_obj = self.env['product.product']
product_recs =[('product_tmpl_id', 'in', context)])
result = {}
for rec in product_recs:
print(rec.default_code )
result[rec.default_code ]
Here is the Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 647, in _handle_exception
return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception)
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 307, in _handle_exception
raise pycompat.reraise(type(exception), exception, sys.exc_info()[2])
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\tools\", line 87, in reraise
raise value
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 689, in dispatch
result = self._call_function(**self.params)
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 339, in _call_function
return checked_call(self.db, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\service\", line 97, in wrapper
return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 332, in checked_call
result = self.endpoint(*a, **kw)
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 933, in __call__
return self.method(*args, **kw)
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 512, in response_wrap
response = f(*args, **kw)
File "C:\Odoo_Source_Codes\odoo11\addons\web\controllers\", line 934, in call_button
action = self._call_kw(model, method, args, {})
File "C:\Odoo_Source_Codes\odoo11\addons\web\controllers\", line 922, in _call_kw
return call_kw(request.env[model], method, args, kwargs)
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 689, in call_kw
return call_kw_multi(method, model, args, kwargs)
File "C:/Odoo_Source_Codes/odoo11\odoo\", line 680, in call_kw_multi
result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Odoo_Source_Codes\odoo11\custom_addons\rakuten_ftp\wizard\", line 22, in export_products
result[rec.default_code ]
KeyError: '1'
Everything seems to be fine with the Transient Model, the problem is that you're trying to read a dictionary value whose key doesn't exist yet. I mean, the default_code
of the first product you get in the loop is 1, and you're telling Python: I want to read the value of the key 1 of the dictionary result
, but this one is empty, so you get the error (you need to fill it in first).
You can reply the error in a Python console, this is what is happening to you:
>>> result = {}
>>> result['1']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: '1'
You should do something like this to make it work:
>>> result = {}
>>> result['1'] = 'Your value' # result.update({'1': 'Your value', })
>>> result['1']
'Your value'