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Underscore, Nested Group By and Generate a JSON

I have an array of objects with duplicates and I'm trying to get a unique listing, where uniqueness is defined by a subset of the properties of the object. For example,

Current JSON Object:


How to group by two property

The last result is


How to use underscore to make it unique and generate a merge "a" Key


  • You can use groupBy to create a composite key on x and y. Then, use map to iterate through the grouped data.

    var data = [{"x":6811,"y":15551,"a":"a"},{"x":6811,"y":15551,"a":"b"},{"x":6811,"y":15551,"a":"c"},{"x":6811,"y":15552,"a":"c"},{"x":6812,"y":15551,"a":"c"}]
    var groups = _.groupBy(data, ({x,y}) => `${x}_${y}`);
    var result =, o => ({...o[0], a : _.pluck(o,'a')}));
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