A QImage
needs to be finally shown as a thumbnail image in a QLabel
. In between it's serialized in QByteArray
and sent over the network. So, can we convert the QImage
to QByteArray
for thumbnail? Basically I want to avoid the QImage::scale()
method as it's quite CPU consuming.
Like QImage
converted to a QByteArray
which will hold data for thumbnail images.
On this case you cannot avoid QImage::scale. Why do you want? This is the answer to your question how to save QImage to QByteArray.
QFile file(imagePath);
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
QByteArray bytes;
QImage img;
img = img.fromData(file.readAll());
img = img.scaled(200, 100, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
QBuffer buffer(&bytes);
img.save(&buffer, "PNG");