Here is my data frame
|DataPartition|TimeStamp |OrganizationID|SourceID|AuditorID|AuditorEnumerationId|AuditorOpinionCode|AuditorOpinionId|AuditorOpinionOnInternalControlsId|IsPlayingAuditorRole|IsPlayingCSRAuditorRole|IsPlayingTaxAdvisorRole|FFAction|!||AuditorOpinionOnInternalControlCode|AuditorOpinionOnGoingConcernCode|AuditorOpinionOnGoingConcernId|tobefiltered|
|Japan |2018-04-04T09:53:35+00:00|4295877275 |181 |3185 |3023399 |UNQ |3010546 |3010546 |true |false |false |O|!| |null |null |null |O|!| |
|Japan |2018-04-04T08:36:57+00:00|4295877275 |189 |3185 |3023399 |UNQ |3010546 |3010546 |true |false |false |O|!| |null |null |null |O|!| |
|Japan |2018-04-04T08:39:19+00:00|4295877275 |173 |3185 |3023399 |UNQ |3010546 |3010546 |true |false |false |O|!| |null |null |null |O|!| |
|Japan |2018-04-04T08:24:17+00:00|4295877275 |196 |5913 |3026579 |UWE |3010547 |null |true |false |false |I|!| |null |null |null |I|!| |
|Japan |2018-04-04T08:24:17+00:00|4295877275 |196 |3185 |3023399 |UNQ |3010546 |3010546 |true |false |false |I|!| |null |null |null |I|!| |
|Japan |2018-04-04T09:53:35+00:00|4295877275 |196 |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |D|!| |null |null |null |I|!| |
This is what I am doing in order to get the latest based on two columns:
val windowSpec3 = Window.partitionBy("OrganizationID", "SourceID").orderBy(unix_timestamp($"TimeStamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").cast("timestamp").desc)
val latestForEachKey3 = latestForEachKey.withColumn("rank", row_number.over(windowSpec3)).filter($"rank" === 1).drop("rank").drop("tobefiltered", "TimeStamp")
Which gives me below output
|Japan |4295877275 |181 |3185 |3023399 |UNQ |3010546 |3010546 |true |false |false |O|!| |null |null |null |
|Japan |4295877275 |189 |3185 |3023399 |UNQ |3010546 |3010546 |true |false |false |O|!| |null |null |null |
|Japan |4295877275 |173 |3185 |3023399 |UNQ |3010546 |3010546 |true |false |false |O|!| |null |null |null |
|Japan |4295877275 |196 |5913 |3026579 |UWE |3010547 |null |true |false |false |I|!| |null |null |null |
So based on the login I should get the row with the below timestamp out of the three same rows.
2018-04-04T09:53:35+00:00|4295877275 |196 |null |null
Issue is, I am getting Rank also but .orderBy(unix_timestamp($"TimeStamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").cast("timestamp").desc)
is not working properly .
I tried to use this data format also but with the same result YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
The timestamp format used is wrong
instead of
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"