I have a list of files in a folder named based on (a) sample name [sometimes with '_1' or '_2' for different individuals]; (b) job id [1-12]; and (c) chromosome number [chrI-chrXXI].
8116_1_chrI.vcf #sample[8116]; jobId[1]; chr[chrI]
8116_1_chrII.vcf #sample[8116]; jobId[1]; chr[chrII]
CSC0832_1_7_chrVIII.vcf #sample[CSC0832_1]; jobId[7]; chr[chrVIII]
CSC0832_1_7_chrXIX.vcf #sample[CSC0832_1]; jobId[7]; chr[chrXIX]
RNF2887_2_12_chrX.vcf #sample[RNF2887_2]; jobId[2]; chr[chrX]
RNF2887_2_12_chrXI.vcf #sample[RNF2887_2]; jobId[2]; chr[chrXI]
Each sample has the same job id number, and separate files for each chromosome. I am trying to submit a job array, so now I need unique identifiers (job ids) for each single file, and I am trying to rename those by (1) including a unique number in the front; (2) then adding the sample id; (3) and then the chromosome number.
I am trying to do a bash for loop for that, but it is not working. Below is my script:
for FILENAME in `ls $SCRATCH/stickleback/sorelData/indSamplesVcf/splitChr/*.vcf`; do
ROOTNAME=`basename ${FILENAME%%_*}`
CHR=`basename ${FILENAME##*_} .vcf`
for LIST in `seq 279`; do
cp "$FILENAME" $SCRATCH/stickleback/sorelData/indSamplesVcf/splitCopy/${LIST}_${ROOTNAME}_${CHR}.vcf
echo "copying $(basename ${FILENAME}) to ${LIST}_${ROOTNAME}_${CHR}.vcf"
What I get is a file with unique numbers, but they are always the same sample id, and the same chromosome number:
And one thing I noticed is that when I echo basename ${FILENAME##*_}
, it lists the chromosomes in alphabetical order (because they are in romans). Will that affect the renaming also?
Sorry for the long and silly question, but I am a newbie at this.
Thank you!
if it helps ...
for filename in $directory/*.vcf ; do
basename=$( basename ${filename} ) # 8116_1_chrI.vcf
sample=${basename%%_*} # 8116
chr=${basename##*_} # chrI.vcf
list=$(( list+1 ))
cp "$directory/$filename" "$directory/splitCopy/${list}_${sample}_${chr}"
echo "copying $basename to ${list}_${sample}_${chr}"
I assume:
I suggest:
$( command )
, no backticks$( ls )