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Expand list of coordinates to get all combinations within a group in R

I have a DF with about 1 million records. Each record includes latitude and longitude, and the records are grouped as in the example data (except with much larger groups)


Within each group I need to find the maximum distance between any two sets of coordinates. Once I have all combinations of coordinates in a DF with I can calculate distances no problems, but can not efficiently get each combination into a DF that looks something like this


I've written a nested loop to do this, but it is very slow and I'm, sure there is a better way. I looked at duplicating the columns and using expand.grid, but can find how to use it with multiple factors Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


  • If you're comfortable using development / non-released packages, I've written spatialdatatable to do efficient geo* calculations on data.table objects.

    Here's a solution working on 100,000 rows of data. The steps are

    1. Join the data to itself to give you the giant point-to-point data set
    2. Calculate the distances between each pair of points (using haversine distance)
    3. Select the greatest distance within each group.

    # devtools::install_github("SymbolixAU/spatialdatatable")
    ## generate random data
    lons <- sample(0:180, 1e5, replace = T)
    lats <- sample(-90:1, 1e5, replace = T)
    grp <- sample(letters, 1e5, replace = T)
    df <- data.frame(lon = lons, lat = lats, grp = grp)
    ## set as a data.table object, and assign an 'id' to each point
    df[, id := .I]
    ## 1. join the df to itself to give all points to all other points
    df <- df[
        , on = "grp"
        , nomatch = 0
        , allow.cartesian = T
        ][id !=]   ## remove points joined with themselves
    ## 2. calculate distances
    df[, dist := spatialdatatable::dtHaversine(lat, lon,, i.lon)]
    ## 3. select greatest distance per group
    df[ df[, .I[which.max(dist)], by = grp]$V1 ][order(grp)]
    #     lon lat grp    id i.lon     dist
    #  1:   1   0   a 27726   180     0 10996 19903920
    #  2:   1   1   b 63425   180    -3 57218 19766508
    #  3:   1   1   c 18255   177    -2    56 19556799
    #  4:   0  -1   d 43560   179     0  8518 19857865
    #  5: 178  -2   e 37485     0     0 34482 19700640
    #  6:   1  -2   f 79879   180     1 70765 19857889
    #  7: 178   1   g 84268     1    -3 44148 19614379
    #  8: 178  -5   h 49310     1     1  1306 19459455
    #  9:   0   1   i 92786   179    -2 55584 19857889
    # 10: 180   0   j 92704     0     0 36757 20015115
    # 11:   0  -1   k 75760   180     0 71050 19903920
    # 12:   0  -1   l 42202   180     0 10839 19903920
    # 13:   0   1   m 73069   177    -2  2708 19663598
    # 14:   0   1   n 10830   180    -1  1236 20015115
    # 15:   3  -2   o 43380   180     1  3829 19663598
    # 16: 179   1   p 95740     0    -1  3061 19903937
    # 17:   0  -1   q 49476   180     0 18257 19903920
    # 18: 180   0   r 96154     1     0 42435 19903920
    # 19: 180  -1   s 82115     1     0 47784 19857865
    # 20: 178  -2   t 42861     0     0 22020 19700640
    # 21: 180   0   u 22965     0    -1 12158 19903920
    # 22: 178   0   v 18557     0    -2 17457 19700640
    # 23: 178  -2   w 58321     1    -1 13906 19543390
    # 24:   0  -1   x 93181   177    -3 67084 19459211
    # 25:   0  -1   y 46491   178     1  5548 19792759
    # 26:   3   1   z 43109   180    -3   769 19614379

    • compared to library(geosphere)