I have two images:
Image 1
In this image, the white region plus the white + pink region are transparent.
Image 2
I want to merge both images (Image 1 in front, Image 2 behind) by:
Then, I'd like to obtain a result like this:
I am using the following command in ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2017-07-31 in Ubuntu 16.04:
convert \( Image1.png -resize 447x640 \) \( -compose Overlay Image2.png \) -gravity north -composite Image3.png
I've tried countless times but the best result I can get (by using command above) is Image 3. Can anyone help me? Thank you.
Image 3
I think this is what you want using Imagemagick in Unix syntax:
convert \( mask.png -alpha off \) img.jpg \( mask.png -alpha extract -negate \) -compose over -composite result.png
or more simply:
convert mask.png img.jpg -compose dstover -composite result.png