I have faced a quite serious issue with my keystore and failed to resolve it.
I'm using:
-androind studio 3.0.1
and for some reason when I try to
Build> Generate Signed Apk...
I'm getting
Error:Execution failed for task :app:packageProductionRelease.
Failed to read key myKey from store "C:\Users\abc\Documents\bucket\mm\keystore": Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
I've tried using terminal
keytool -list -v -keystore "keystore.jks" -alias myKey -storepass pass -keypass pass
and it shows the key's properties. so Im pretty sure the password is correct and the keystore is not corrupted.
Is there an alternative way or a solution to resolve this issue ?
your help is much appreciated.
In case anyone faces the similar issue. apparently there was genuinely an issue with the keystore. after replacing it with and old copy of the same keystore it worked.