I'm trying to learn how to use credentials with PowerShell Desired State Configuration, and I can't quite grok the difference between the Credential
and PsDscRunAsCredential
attributes of a resource.
As a simple test case, I'm trying to copy a folder and it's contents from a file share to a local folder on the target node. The computer account of the target node does not have access to the share, so I'm supplying credentials that do have access. If I assign the credentials to the Credential
attribute of the File resource, it works. If I use the PsDscRunAsCredential
attribute, I get an "access is denied" error when it tries to access the file share.
Configuration FileWithCredential {
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Node $AllNodes.NodeName {
# copy files from a file share to a new folder on the target node
File CopyFileShareFolder {
Ensure = 'Present'
Type = 'Directory'
Recurse = $true
SourcePath = '\\fileshare\folder\subfolder\stuff_I_want_to_copy'
DestinationPath = 'c:\ps\DSC\filesharedestination'
# If I use Credential instead of PsDscRunAsCredential, it works
# Credential = Get-Credential -UserName ourdomain\myaccout -Message 'Enter Password'
PsDscRunAsCredential = Get-Credential -UserName ourdomain\myaccout -Message 'Enter Password'
$ConfigData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = 'target-server'
PsDscAllowDomainUser = $true
PsDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true
I'm compiling the MOF on a Windows 10 box and pushing the configuration to a Server 2016 box. Both are running PowerShell 5.1.
PS C:\Users\me\Documents\pscode\dsc_test2> FileWithCredential -ConfigurationData $ConfigData
PS C:\Users\me\Documents\pscode\dsc_test2> Start-DscConfiguration .\FileWithCredential\ -Verbose -Wait -Force
I understand that PsDscRunAsCredential
is new, and I'm assuming there's a reason to prefer it over the old Credential
, but I can't figure out what the real differences are. Are they basically interchangeable? If not, what am I missing that would make the "run as" credential work?
NOTE: I understand the security risk of allowing plain text passwords, but right now I'm just trying to understand how to pass credentials and make sure they work. Learning how to do so securely is next on my list.
It seems like my hunch might have been right; turning my comment into an answer:
I just had a thought: the
resource is.. somewhat special. It's one of the only resources implemented as binary. It has some strange quirks like not returning aModuleName
when you runGet-DscResource
. Maybe it's implemented in a way that the LCM cannot change its context. It would be interesting to turn on debugging for DSC, then break into the debugger and check out your context, try to access the share and local file system, etc.
In running a test, it seems to be the case that (for whatever reason) the File
resource simply doesn't properly support PsDscRunAsCredential
Here's a demonstration using Invoke-DscResource
, comparing File
with Script
and showing that the owner of a resulting file is different.
With File
, the owner is always SYSTEM
With Script
, the owner is SYSTEM
when run with no credential (expected), but when run with a credential, the owner is different (in my case, the owner became the local Administrators
group, because the credential I supplied is a local admin).
$cred = Get-Credential
$module = 'PsDesiredStateConfiguration'
$fprop = @{
DestinationPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\delme.txt"
Contents = "Hello"
$sprop = @{
GetScript = { @{} }
TestScript = { $false }
SetScript = [ScriptBlock]::Create("'Hello'|sc '$env:USERPROFILE\delme.txt'")
$cprop = @{ PsDscRunAsCredential = $cred }
function Assert-FileTest { Get-Item -LiteralPath $fprop.DestinationPath | % { $_.GetAccessControl().Owner | Write-Verbose -Verbose ; $_ } | Remove-Item -Force }
Invoke-DscResource -Name File -ModuleName $module -Method Set -Property $fprop -Verbose
Invoke-DscResource -Name File -ModuleName $module -Method Set -Property ($fprop + $cprop) -Verbose
Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName $module -Method Set -Property $sprop -Verbose
Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName $module -Method Set -Property ($sprop + $cprop) -Verbose