Search code examples

How to process the results from node-zillow?

zillow package for a project. I've successfully executed a GetSearchResults() and gotten a response, but I don't exactly know how to process the response to get the information from it. For example, here is the log in the terminal from the call:

{ request:
   { address: '113 Cherry St',
     citystatezip: 'Seattle, Washington' },
  message: { text: 'Request successfully processed', code: '0' },
  response: { results: { result: [Array] } } }

I see that I have an array called result which I presume has the information in it but how do I go about processing this?



  • Looks like you're using the node-zillow package. I signed up for a zillow api key to play with the package. Hard to believe the official API only returns XML...

    To navigate the resulting JSON and print out the first results, first set of links, and grab its first homedetails url.

    const Zillow = require('node-zillow');
    // get key from environment variable
    const z = new Zillow(process.env.ZWSID);
    const params = {
      address: '2512 Mapleton Ave.',
      citystatezip: '80304',
    // store the results
    const results = await z.get('GetSearchResults', params);
    const homeDetails = results.response.results.result[0].links[0].homedetails[0];

    which prints out