I am looking to have a programme which cleans up some messy data I have, I am looking to do this for both the assets and liabilities side of the project i'm working on.
My question is there a way to use a do loop to use the cleaning up data to first clean up the assets then liabilities. something like this:
%do %I = Asset %to Liability;
%assetorliability= I ;
proc sort data = &assetorliability;
by price;
data want&assetorliability;
set &assetorliability;
if _N_ < 50000;
the actual script is quite long so a singular macro may not be the ideal solution but this loop would be great.
EDIT : the programme includes some macros and the errors received are as follows:
%let list =Asset Liability;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&list,%str( )));
%let next=%scan(&list,&i,%str( ));
in the macro the data steps are named with a balance&list to allow for each scenario. the errors are:
13221 %let list =Asset Liability;
13222 %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&list,%str( )));
ERROR: The %DO statement is not valid in open code.
13224 %let next=%scan(&list,&i,%str( ));
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference I not resolved.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference I not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric
operand is required. The condition was: &i
ERROR: Argument 2 to macro function %SCAN is not a number.
ERROR: The %END statement is not valid in open code.
The macro %do
statement is not as flexible as the data step do
statement. To loop over a list of values you would want to put the list into a macro variable and use an index variable in your %do
Note that macro logic needs to be inside of a macro. You cannot use it in "open" code.
%macro do_over(list);
%local i next;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&list,%str( )));
%let next=%scan(&list,&i,%str( ));
proc sort data = &next ;
by price;
data want&next ;
%mend do_over ;
%do_over(Asset Liability)