My WSUS server runs Server 2016 Core edition without a GUI so everything must be installed via powershell. When I run Adamj_Clean-WSUS.ps1 -FirstRun
the errors are:
The term 'sqlcmd' is not recognized...
Executing ComputerObjectCleanup
Executing WSUSDBMaintenance
11 Job11 BackgroundJob Failed False localhost sqlcmd -S np:\\.\pipe\...
The term 'sqlcmd' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet...
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Users\user\Documents\Adamj_Clean-WSUS.ps1:2480 char:9
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Users\user\Documents\Adamj_Clean-WSUS.ps1:2482 char:9
+ $Script:AdamjWSUSDBMaintenanceOutputHTML += $AdamjWSUSDBMaint ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
Executing WSUSServerCleanupWizard
Had to kill the window to stop this after it ran for several hours.
One method is to place them into a share on another server then mount that share:
New-PSDrive -Name T -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\<server_IP>\<share_name> -Credential <domain>\<user>
cp T:\<folder>\msodbcsql.msi.msi .
cp T:\<folder>\MsSqlCmdLnUtils.msi .
cp T:\<folder>\Clean-WSUS.ps1 .
If you're used to hitting the tab key for filename completion and think a ".\" automatically prepended to a filename is innocent, be aware it is not:
msiexec /i msodbcsql.msi /qn IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES /L*V msodbcsql.log
verify log:
Get-Content -path .\msodbcsql.log
msiexec /i MsSqlCmdLnUtils.msi /Passive /NoRestart IACCEPTMSSQLCMDLNUTILSLICENSETERMS=YES /L*V MsSqlCmdLnUtils.log
verify log:
Get-Content -path .\MsSqlCmdLnUtils.log
This is where my SQLCMD.EXE was installed. YMMV:
$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\"
As noted within the script (you did read the comments and set your variables already, right?), run this first:
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Clean-WSUS.ps1 -FirstRun