I read this very interesting post, which is very close to what I need but not completely, they use it for shell scripting while I need the same solution mainly for a built-in Python function.
Long story short:
open("/dev/input/event3", "rb")
This doesn't work out of the box because in order to open event3 I need to type my password every single time I execute my Python script, due to elevated privileges. What can I do so I don't have to type my password every time nor write my password in plane text in my script? I like the solution offered in the post I linked above, but this doesn't work because that would mean the -sort of speak- handle I get on this open file will be in another scope/python script.
Any solutions?
I tried modifying the privileges of my entire Python script, so that I don't need to type a password, but that didn't work neither. What I tried:
1) modify access rights
sudo chown root:root /home/username/myscript.py
sudo chmod 700 /home/username/myscript.py
2) modify visudo
myusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/username/myscript.py
3) trying to execute my python script now fails, altough it is clearly there
myusername$ ./myscript
bash: ./myscript: No such file or directory
It occurs to me that you may be approaching this problem backward. Currently, you're asking how you can elevate the permissions of a python script without entering a password every time when you should be asking, "why do I need to enter a password at all?"
As long as the file isn't a security concern both the script and the file in question should be owned by non-root users in the input group. The user who owns the python script can then execute it without root privileges to access the file which doesn't require them.