First to say I am new to 'asking questions' in stackoverflow so I apologize if my question is not in the right category or another similar question has been asked already. I tried to find a relevant question but I couldn't. Mine is a little specific which will serve me as an example for future programming.
The flow of the simple program I am trying to create is:
Having a start number of for example 0
This is my code:
def creeper (number, growth):
while number <= growth:
print (number)
number += 1
return (number)
diff = 100 #represents the limit of each incrementation
print('lets start')
old_num = creeper(0, diff)
while True:
inp = str(input('Yy/Nn: '))
if inp == 'Y' or 'y':
new_num = creeper(old_num, diff)
old_num = new_num
input("Did we get to here? Press enter to exit then: ")
In particular I am asking about this section:
if inp == 'Y' or 'y':
new_num = creeper(old_num, diff)
old_num = new_num
It seems that python reads correctly what is the input but it doesn't go back to step 1. Actually it doesn't even get to step 3. I can't understand how this particular chunk of code works:
if inp == 'Y' or 'y':
I appreciate any response to my question. Thanks!
I see at least two problems:
A. As many people have said in the comments, in order to work properly, the if statement must be written differently, e.g.:
if inp == 'y' or inp == 'Y'
or this way:
if inp in ('y', 'Y')
Check those links from the comments, for example: this post
The boolean value for 'y' is always True, thus the else statement will never be executed.
B. Second problem is in your else statement. You have to check against the old_num
because the new_num
might not be created yet (in case it is the first iteration).