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Binding Generic class object in Google guice

I have the following config file..

*.*.HM.Evaluation.Types = {
   "key1" = "value1";
   "key2" = "value2";
   "key3" = "value3";

I have the following constructor injection...

public myConstuctor(@NonNull @Named("HM.Evaluation.Types") final Map<String , String> myMap) { ... }

This Works when I run my code using

Properties myProperties = new Properties().load(new FileReader(""));
Names.BindProperties(Binder() , myProperties);

When I test my code using JUnits, I am not able to bind a

Map< String,String> class

The following code

Injector injector = Guice.CreateInjector((AbstractModule) -> {

gives me the following a google guice error

no implementation for< string , string> is found for the value Named(value = "HM.Evaluation.Types")

Is there a work around for this?


  • You can bind generics

    Using a provider method (personal favorite)

    class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
      Map<String,String> provideDummpMap() {
        return DUMMP_MAP;

    Alternatively you can use TypeLiteral:

    bind(new TypeLiteral<Map<String,String>>(){})