I have got stuck with the Java syntax for a Mongo query.
I have written the Mongo query for console but I want the corresponding Java syntax for that query.
Here's the shell command:
{$group: {
_id: {
"agent": "$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts.agentName",
count: {
$sum: "$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts.countOfErrors"
I have gone through the documentation and all but didn't find the right one. I tried using Aggregation class in Java but it didn't work.
The MongoDB Java driver (using version 3.x) equivalent of the MongoDB shell command in your question is:
MongoClient mongoClient = ...;
MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoClient.getDatabase("...").getCollection("..");
AggregateIterable<Document> documents = collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(
// $sort:{timestamp:1}
// $limit:1
// $unwind:"$auditErrorTypeCounts"
// $unwind:"$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts"
// $group:{...}
// _id:{"agent":"$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts.agentName","type":"$auditErrorTypeCounts.typeOfError"}
new Document("agent", "$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts.agentName").append("type", "$auditErrorTypeCounts.typeOfError"),
// count:{$sum:"$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts.countOfErrors"}}}
Accumulators.sum("count", "$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts.countOfErrors")
The comments above each stage in the aggregation pipeline show which shell command the Java code mirrors. For example:
// $unwind:"$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts"
... shows you that the Java equivalent to the shell command $unwind:"$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts"
is Aggregates.unwind("$auditErrorTypeCounts.auditErrorCounts")
. This may make it easier for you to map one to the other.
More details in the MongoDB Java driver docs.