EDIT: After I found what I was really looking for, I edited my initial question so to describe better what I finaly wanted to do.
I am working on a UserControl
and I want to place a DesignerVerb
at it's properties, like TreeView
control have. How can I do this? Is it possible?
Well, here is a simple example...
1. If we haven't done already, we should add a reference to System.Design. Goto Reference Manager > Assemblies > Framework
and find System.Design
. Check it and click OK.
2. Into our UserControl
code, we make sure that we already have Imports System.ComponentModel
and Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
3. Over our UserControl
class, we add a Designer
attribute, to specify our ControlDesigner
for this UserControl
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Public Class UserControl1
'Our UserControl code in here...
End Class
4. Under our UserControl
class, we create a new class by the name "MyControlDesigner" which will be our ControlDesigner
Public Class MyControlDesigner
End Class
5. Now, for example, lets create a Verb
which will Dock
and Undock
our UserControl
in ParentForm
Public Class MyControlDesigner
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner 'Inherit from ControlDesigner class.
Private MyVerbs As DesignerVerbCollection
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Verbs() As DesignerVerbCollection
If MyVerbs Is Nothing Then
MyVerbs = New DesignerVerbCollection 'A new DesignerVerbCollection to use for our DesignerVerbs.
MyVerbs.Add(New DesignerVerb("Dock In ParentForm", New EventHandler(AddressOf OnMyCommandLinkClicked))) 'An Event Handler for Docking our UserControl.
MyVerbs.Add(New DesignerVerb("Undock in ParentForm", New EventHandler(AddressOf OnMyCommandLinkClicked))) 'An Event Handler for Undocking our UserControl.
MyVerbs(1).Visible = False 'We hide second Verd by default.
End If
Return MyVerbs
End Get
End Property
Private Sub OnMyCommandLinkClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As EventArgs)
Dim _UserControl As UserControl1 = CType(Me.Control, UserControl1) 'Reference to our UserControl1 Class, so we can access it's Properties and Methods.
If _UserControl.Dock = DockStyle.None Then 'If UserControl is Undocked then...
_UserControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill 'Dock UserControl in ParentForm.
MyVerbs(0).Visible = False 'Hide "Dock In ParentForm" DesignerVerb.
MyVerbs(1).Visible = True 'Show "Undock in ParentForm" DesignerVerb.
_UserControl.Dock = DockStyle.None 'Undock UserControl.
MyVerbs(1).Visible = False 'Hide "Undock in ParentForm" DesignerVerb.
MyVerbs(0).Visible = True 'Show "Dock in ParentForm" DesignerVerb.
End If
End Sub
End Class
6. Then we Build our project and we add our UserControl
into our test Form.