Is there a way to force unpack to treat a single byte as a “null padded” short, while unpacking a scalar with an uneven amount of bytes?
Example code:
my $input = 'abcde';
foreach (unpack 'S*', $input) {
print "$_ ";
# Result:
# 25185 25699
# Expected result:
# 25185 25699 101
I know that it is possible to check the length of the scalar and append it in case it is uneven, like below, but is there a cleaner way where I can let unpack handle it automatically when needed?
# What I'm trying to avoid before running unpack:
if (length($input) % 2)) {
$input .= "\0";
You can add the null byte every time, it will be ignored when the amount of bytes is even.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 2;
sub Unpack {
my $input = shift;
[ unpack 'S*', "$input\0" ]
is_deeply Unpack("abcde\0"), [25185, 25699, 101];
is_deeply Unpack("abcde"), [25185, 25699, 101];