When you create a VM in Azure and ssh to it and run 'hostname -f' you get a hostname in the format of "vmname.InternalDnsSuffix". Is there a programatic/scriptable way to get InternalDnsSuffix for a ResourceGroup/Subscription/Subnet? I know I can get it for a running VM, but where do I get it for a stopped VM? Is there some way that I can just get it once for a set of VMs instead of querying each VM independently?
Is there a programatic/scriptable way to get InternalDnsSuffix for a ResourceGroup/Subscription/Subnet?
That attribute only associate to Azure VM, so you should get this information from that VM.
You can use Azure REST API to run hostname -f
command to get internal DNS suffix from a running VM:
POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vmName}/runCommand?api-version=2017-03-30
More information about run command via REST API, please refer to this article.
Based on my knowledge, we can't get the dns suffix from a stopped VM or get internal dns suffix once for a set.